Memasak Beef Broccoli with Teriyaki Sauce / Sapi Brokoli Saus Teriyaki mudah, yummy, praktis. Resep praktis beef broccoli atau brokoli daging sapi sangat mudah memasaknya dan rasanya dijamin sedap dan jadi favorit menu keluarga. Broccoli smothered in our homemade teriyaki sauce is a family favorite, and it's really healthy. It's the complete opposite, and here's why.
When it's complete, add about a tsp. or so of.
The teriyaki adds a different touch to your average beef and broccoli.
Bring the meat and sauce to a boil, then reduce to a simmer.
Pagi Bunda, sekarang bunda dapat membuat resep Beef Broccoli with Teriyaki Sauce / Sapi Brokoli Saus Teriyaki dengan 11 bahan dan 9 tahapan. Berikut ini bun cara menyiapkannya, tolong perhatikan baik-baik.
Bahan bahan Beef Broccoli with Teriyaki Sauce / Sapi Brokoli Saus Teriyaki
- Siapkan 400 gram : daging sapi.
- Dibutuhkan 1 bonggol : brokoli ukuran sedang.
- Dibutuhkan 1 : bawang bombay (iris panjanh).
- Persiapkan 3 siung : bawang putih (cincang).
- Menyiapkan 3 sdm : kecap manis.
- Dibutuhkan 3 sdm : saus teriyaki (saya pakai saori).
- Siapkan 1 sdm : tepung meizena (larutkan dgn air).
- Dibutuhkan : Merica.
- Menyiapkan : Garam.
- Persiapkan : Margarine (untuk menumis).
- Siapkan : Air.
A vegetarian version of beef and broccoli, this one-skillet teriyaki tempeh and broccoli recipe is loaded with flavor and perfect for weeknights when you This is a healthy, vegetarian/vegan take on beef and broccoli, my Chinese take-out dish of choice growing up. It's just as delicious and satisfying! This beef-and-broccoli stir-fry features a rich Asian-inspired sauce made from store-bought oyster sauce, dry sherry, soy sauce, sugar, and cornstarch. It's also good with chicken breast in place of beef.
Proses memasak Beef Broccoli with Teriyaki Sauce / Sapi Brokoli Saus Teriyaki
- Cuci bersih daging sapi dan potong2 sesuai selera (saya potong tipis dan panjang).
- Cuci bersih brocoli, potong2 sesuai batangnya dan rebus +/- 1 menit lalu siram air dingin supaya warna tetap hijau.
- Panaskan wajan, beri 3-4 sdm margarine lalu tumis duo bawang hingga harum / layu.
- Masukan daging sapi, masak hingga berubah warna / matang.
- Masukan bumbu saus (kecap manis, saus teriyaki, garam, merica) aduk rata.
- Tambahkan air (note: sesuai selera mau berkuah banyak atau sedikit) aduk rata dan koreksi rasa.
- Masukan larutan tepung meizena aduk rata sampai mengental.
- Masukan brokoli yg sudah direbus td, aduk rata.
- Angkat dan sajikan dengan nasi hangat 😁.
I often increase the ginger and the oyster sauce slightly because. You can totally make teriyaki chicken and broccoli with noodles too. Additionally, you can use this sauce for virtually anything - swap out the The thick sauce would coat all the noodles and you can twirl the noodles together with the chicken and broccoli! If you like quick and easy recipes such as. Chinese Broccoli With Oyster Sauce and Fried Garlic.