Memasak Steak tuna with barberque sauce mudah, nikmat, praktis. Enjoy sushi bar flavors with these grilled tuna steaks—they're topped with a sauce made with horseradish, soy sauce, and rice vinegar. Grilled Lime Cilantro Ahi "This was the tastiest fish dish I ever made! So easy and so delicious." -Kelly Callan.
Serve with sauce on top or as a dip and enjoy!
The Tuna is great as an appetizer or entrée.
Grilled tuna steaks are one of life's simple pleasures, satisfying even when unadorned.
Siang Bunda, saat ini bunda dapat menyajikan resep Steak tuna with barberque sauce dengan 11 bahan dan 4 tahapan. Di bawah ini bun cara memasaknya, tolong perhatikan baik-baik.
Bahan bahan Steak tuna with barberque sauce
- Menyiapkan 7 buah : fillet tuna.
- Menyiapkan 1 buah : jeruk nipis.
- Persiapkan 1 sdt : lada bubuk.
- Siapkan 4 sdm : saus teriyaki.
- Dibutuhkan 6 sdm : barberque sauce.
- Dibutuhkan 4 sdm : kecap bango.
- Persiapkan 1/2 buah : bawang bombay, iris memanjang.
- Menyiapkan 1 sdt : maizena,dilarutkan dengan sedikit air.
- Dibutuhkan 3 sdm : mentega.
- Siapkan 100 ml : air.
- Persiapkan Secukupnya : kentang goreng dan wortel rebus sebagai pelengkap.
Here they're made better yet with a quick lemon-and-caper sauce, whose pleasant tartness balances the. In a large non-reactive dish, mix together the orange juice, soy sauce, olive oil, lemon juice, parsley, garlic, oregano, and pepper. Place the tuna steaks in the marinade and turn to coat. Just before cooking, season tuna steaks all over with salt and, if desired, pepper.
Tahapan memasak Steak tuna with barberque sauce
- Lumuri fillet tuna dengan jeruk nipis,diamkan sebentar..
- Masukan lada,saus teriyaki,barberque sauce,kecap bango lalu aduk rata, bagi dua sause. Yg satu balurkan merata ke fillet tuna. Lalu diamkan selama 1 jam..
- Panaskan wajan anti lengket,lalu beri margarine panggang hingga warna coklat merata (3-5 menit), balik ulangi proses lalu angkat dan sajikan..
- Panaskan margarine masukan bawang bombay tumis sampai layu,lalu masukan sisa saus barberque,air,larutan maizena,aduk rata hingga mengental.lalu tuang saus barberque ke atas fillet tuna yg sudah di panggang,sajikan bersama kentang dan wortel yg telah di rebus. Taraaaa jadi deh.
Then set over hot side of grill. This Grilled Tuna Steak Recipe is easy and delicious! The savory lime and soy based dipping sauce is mouthwatering and full of flavor. Thick cut, Yellowfin or Ahi, Tuna is the best for grilling. Meaty, flavoursome tuna steaks are best enjoyed griddled or pan-fried.