Resep Mie Goreng Spesial Homemade mudah, yummy, praktis. Please Subscribe for more easy recipes - On our recent trip to Bali, we stayed at the Grand Mirage in Nusa Dua. One one day there was a. Mie Goreng (Indonesian Fried Noodles) Mie goreng is a scrumptious, traditional dish of fried noodles found throughout Indonesia (and also Malaysia).
With a sticky, savoury sweet sauce, noodles are tossed with chicken, prawns, vegetables and signature egg ribbons.
Mie Goreng (or Mee Goreng) I'm a sucker for good noodles.
This is a famous noodle package from indonesia called Indomie.
Sore Bunda, saat ini bunda dapat menyajikan resep Mie Goreng Spesial Homemade dengan 12 bahan dan 5 tahapan. Berikut ini bun cara membuatnya, tolong perhatikan baik-baik.
Bahan bahan Mie Goreng Spesial Homemade
- Dibutuhkan 1 buah : mie gepeng homemade (bisa merk lain).
- Menyiapkan 3 buah : cabe rawit (sesuai selera).
- Siapkan 1 sdm : kecap manis.
- Dibutuhkan 1 batang : seledri.
- Persiapkan Secukupnya : merica bubuk.
- Persiapkan Secukupnya : air.
- Persiapkan Secukupnya : minyak untuk menumis.
- Siapkan : Bahan Halus.
- Dibutuhkan 4 siung : bawang merah.
- Persiapkan 3 siung : bawang putih.
- Persiapkan Secukupnya : garam.
- Siapkan Secukupnya : gula.
In here its really famous because really tasty. Today I made a special recipe called "Mie Goreng Special" or you can also say "Noodle. RESEP BAKMIE / MIE AYAM TERENAK YANG PERNAH GW BIKIN. INI RESEP KOMPLITNYA BISA CHECK DI BAWAH SINI YA!!
Proses memasak Mie Goreng Spesial Homemade
- Rebus mie sampai matang (tidak lembek atau mentah). Setelah matang tiriskan..
- Masukkan kecap manis, merica bubuk dan cabe rawit yang sudah diiris. Selanjutnya tambahkan sedikit air..
- Masukkan mie dan aduk hingga rata..
- Terakhir tambahkan irisan seledri dan masak hingga semuanya matang..
- Siap disajikan.
See more ideas about Mie goreng recipe, Ethnic recipes, Recipes. Mie Goreng is a popular Indonesian fried noodle dish that everyone is sure to love. Indonesian Mie Goreng is incredibly flavorful and versatile, featuring noodles stir-fried in a delicious sweet and savory sauce. No ticket to Bali needed; make this for dinner tonight! You should bookmark this homemade recipe if you love mi goreng because you'll need to make these awesome noodles from scratch at home.