Resep mudah Omurice (Japanese Omelette Rice) Enak Sempurna

Aneka resep terbaru, enak dan Lezat.

Memasak Omurice (Japanese Omelette Rice) mudah, mantul, praktis. Today's recipe is Omurice, or Japanese Omelette Rice. I received a lot of requests from readers for this recipe and I was a bit surprised how popular this dish is. At most Japanese restaurants we have in the Bay Area, Omurice is not even on the menu, but I think this dish is pretty well-known and popular.

Omurice (Japanese Omelette Rice) With sweet and savory chicken and tomato fried. Japanese Omelette-Topped Ketchup Fried Rice With Chicken (Omurice). For those unfamiliar with omurice, it's a Japanese invention that combines an omelette with fried rice. Pagi Bunda, saat ini bunda dapat menyiapkan resep Omurice (Japanese Omelette Rice) dengan 15 bahan dan 6 tahapan. Berikut ini bun cara membuatnya, tolong simak baik-baik.


Bahan bahan Omurice (Japanese Omelette Rice)

  1. Persiapkan 4 : sosis ayam // 4 chicken sausages // チキンソーセージ4本.
  2. Dibutuhkan 2 : daun bawang (cincang) // 2 garlic cloves (minced) // ニンニク(みじん切り)2かけ.
  3. Menyiapkan : Bawang bombay 50g // onion 50g //玉ねぎ50g.
  4. Siapkan : Buncis 30g // green beans 30g // いんげん 30g.
  5. Menyiapkan : Jagung 30g // corn 30g // コーン30g.
  6. Siapkan : Wortel // Carrot 30g //人参30g.
  7. Siapkan : Telur 8 // 8 eggs //卵8個.
  8. Siapkan : Air 15g // water 15g //水15g.
  9. Dibutuhkan : Gula 5g // Sugar 5g //砂糖5g.
  10. Persiapkan : Mentega 10g // margarine 10g // マーガリン 10g.
  11. Persiapkan : sambal 15g // サンバル15g.
  12. Siapkan : Kaldu ayam bubuk 10g // chicken stock powder 10g //鶏ガラスープ10g.
  13. Persiapkan Sejumput : garam // 1 pinch of salt //胡椒1つまみ.
  14. Persiapkan Sejumput : lada // 1 pinch of white pepper //塩1つまみ.
  15. Siapkan : Minyak salad secukupnya // appropriate amount of salad oil // サラダ油適量.

You'll often hear it referred to as omuraisu (a contraction of the words omuretsu and raisu, the Japanese pronunciations. Japanese kids' favourite dish, Omurice (Japanese Rice Omelette) is another Western-influenced Japanese dish. It is basically an omelette with ketchup-flavoured chicken fried rice inside it. The word 'omurice' or 'omuraisu' (オムライス) is a typical Japanese-made English dish.


Proses memasak Omurice (Japanese Omelette Rice)

  1. Potong sosis ayam, bawang bombay, buncis, jagung, dan wortel EN: Chopped chicken sausage, onions, green beans, corn, dan carrots JP: チキンソーセージ、玉ねぎ、いんげん、コーン、ニンジンをみじん切りにする.
  2. Tumis dengan minyak salad EN: Fry with a proper amount of salad oil JP: 適量のサラダ油で炒める.
  3. Campur bumbu dan bahan semua kecuali garam dan lada dalam mangkuk EN: Mix seasoning and ingredients other than salt and pepper in a bowl JP: 塩コショウ以外の調味料と材料をボウルで混ぜる.
  4. Tuang minyak salad ke penggorengan panas dan tumis bahan dalam mangkuk tadi dengan api sedang. Langkah yang ini tambahkan rasa dengan garam dan lada. EN: Put salad oil in a hot pan and fry the mixed ingredients over medium heat. At this time, adjust the taste with salt and pepper. JP: 熱したフライパンにサラダ油を入れ、混ぜ合わせた材料を中火で炒める。 この時に塩コショウで味を調える。.
  5. Taruh margarine 10g ke penggorengan. Tuangkan dua telur yang sudah dikocok dan oleskan merata ke seluruh penggorengan EN: Add 10g of margarine to a hot pan. Put two well-mixed eggs and spread them all over JP: 温めたフライパンにマーガリンを10g入れる。よく混ぜた卵二個を入れて全体に広げる.
  6. Taruh 1/4 nasi goreng diatas telur dan kemudian gulung telurnya EN: Place a quarter of the rice on the egg and roll it up. JP: 四分の一のご飯を卵の上に置き、巻き込む。.

It's where I first started eating Japanese omelettes with rice — among other things like Japanese style spaghetti and hamburgers with gravy. Fast forward to a year later and, of course, I'm giving omurice a try on You Can Do This. Omurice or omu-rice (オムライス, Omu-raisu) is an example of yōshoku (Western-influenced style of Japanese cuisine) consisting of an omelet made with fried rice and thin, fried scrambled eggs. Omurice, Omelette Rice, is a popular and tasty Japanese dish made from ketchup flavoured chicken fried rice wrapped in an egg omelette. How to make omurice (omelet rice) at home, thanks to a Japanese home cook's authentic recipe.
