Resep Fried Mashed Potatoes (alias Perkedel) mudah, cepat, praktis. Quick and easy pan-fried mashed potato cakes are simply made with leftover mashed potatoes, flour, and egg. Make them into a new dinner. Pour oil into a large skillet over medium heat, filling it so the oil fills the pan a third.
You actually can fry mashed potatoes without all of the added flavors and ingredients that we've used here.
But they'll fall apart as they fry unless they have at least an egg and some cheese to bind them.
Everything else that we add here, including the herbs and spices, bacon and onions, is for added flavor.
Siang Bunda, sekarang bunda dapat menyiapkan resep Fried Mashed Potatoes (alias Perkedel) dengan 9 bahan dan 4 tahapan. Di bawah ini bun cara memasaknya, tolong perhatikan ya bun.
Bahan bahan Fried Mashed Potatoes (alias Perkedel)
- Menyiapkan 500 gr : kentang (sebelum dikupas).
- Siapkan 5 siung besar : bawang putih.
- Menyiapkan 8 buah : bawang merah.
- Persiapkan 1 butir : telur.
- Persiapkan 1 sdt : garam.
- Dibutuhkan 1/2 sdt : gula.
- Dibutuhkan 1/2 sdt : lada bubuk.
- Dibutuhkan 1/2 sdt : kaldu bubuk.
- Dibutuhkan : Minyak goreng.
Mashed potato (British English) or mashed potatoes (American English and Canadian English), colloquially known as mash (British English), is a dish prepared by mashing boiled potatoes. Find Perkedel Fried Patties Mashed Potatoes Indonesian stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. Perkedel is Fried Patties Mashed Potatoes. Loaded Mashed Potato Balls - What do you do with leftover mashed potatoes?
Step by Step memasak Fried Mashed Potatoes (alias Perkedel)
- Kupas kentang dan potong bentuk wedges. Setelah itu goreng sampai matang..
- Iris bawang merah dan putih, goreng sampai matang..
- Tumbuk kentang dan bawang sampai cukup halus. Sebaiknya kentang ketika baru diangkat langsung dihaluskan supaya tidak keras/sulit ditumbuk. Masukkan kuning telur ke adonan kentang. Putih telurnya kita simpan untuk melapisi perkedel sebelum digoreng. Masukan juga gula, garam, lada bubuk dan kaldu bubuknya..
- Bentuk bulat pipih, celupkan ke putih telur dan goreng sampai matang. Jadi sekitar 10 buah gede2. Enjoy!.
You make melt-in-your-mouth, crisp yet creamy mashed potato Sorry, guys. I have another mashed potato recipe today. Except I'm basically using the garlic ranch mashed potatoes I posted the other day, adding in. Fried Mashed Potato Balls from are crunchy, pillowy delights. This easy recipe turns those sad leftover mashed potatoes into something MAGICAL.