Memasak 🍃 Potato Nugget/Perkedel 🍃 mudah, cepat, praktis. Perkedel kentang (Indonesian potato fritters) is a ubiquitous everyday side dish in Indonesian, and is popular for lunch, dinner, or even as snacks! The humble perkedel is tasty and filling, and you will spot these everywhere in Indonesia, from street hawkers, tiny Mom-and-Pop family restaurants, all the way. Got left over mashed potato from cooking something?
In my hometown, it is commonly seen served with soto ayam. as mentioned, potato nuggets are inspired recipe version from meat counterpart but even with vegetarian, there are several versions and variations. the popular one is spicy potato nuggets, but the other varieties like lentil nuggets, paneer nuggets or veg nuggets are equally popular.
Potato Patties or perkedel kentang is Indonesian mashed potatoes patties.
The word perkedel was derrived from Dutch frikadel.
Siang Bunda, sekarang bunda dapat menyiapkan resep 🍃 Potato Nugget/Perkedel 🍃 dengan 9 bahan dan 4 tahapan. Di bawah ini bun cara membuatnya, tolong perhatikan baik-baik.
Bahan bahan 🍃 Potato Nugget/Perkedel 🍃
- Persiapkan 500 gr : Kentang.
- Siapkan 1 sdm : Tepung Terigu.
- Menyiapkan 1 butir : Telur Ayam.
- Persiapkan 2 batang : Daun Bawang (iris halus).
- Menyiapkan 2 batang : Seledri (iris halus).
- Dibutuhkan 2 siung : Bawang Putih (haluskan).
- Dibutuhkan Secukupnya : Garam & Lada Bubuk.
- Menyiapkan Secukupnya : Kaldu Bubuk (aq pakai Totole).
- Dibutuhkan : Taburan Tepung Panir (bila perlu).
Shallots, garlic, candlenuts, nutmeg, white pepper, chopped Chinese celery are added into mashed potatoes mixture, then shaped into patties. The screen says "weapon skill up" or something along those lines when you use it in a battle. Perkedel, bergedel, pegedil or begedil is Indonesian fried patties, made of ground potatoes, minced meat, peeled and ground corn or tofu, or minced fish. Most common perkedel are made from mashed potatoes, yet there are other popular variants which includes perkedel jagung.
Step by Step memasak 🍃 Potato Nugget/Perkedel 🍃
- Kupas kentang, potong2 lalu rebus hingga empuk. Haluskan beserta bawang putih..
- Campur adonan kentang dg tepung, daun bawang, seledri, telur ayam, garam, lada, dan kaldu bubuk. Sisakan sedikit telur ayamnya, untuk baluran terakhir..
- Bentuk adonan kentang hingga habis, lalu simpan dlm lemari es 10 menit. Lalu keluarkan, balur dg tepung roti, simpan kembali dlm frezer 10 mnt..
- Terakhir keluarkan dari frezer celupkan ke dalam sisa telur, lalu goreng hingga matang. Siap disajikan selagi hangat..
Padang-Style Mashed Potato Fritters (Perkedel Kenteng). To make these crisp-crusted fritters, mashed potatoes blended with pan-fried shallots and freshly grated nutmeg are dipped in beaten egg and fried. Not too long ago, there was a bit of discussion about potato pancakes. (Im still smarting from all the verbal flack I got about my love of instant mashed potatoes. Behold, your new standard for roasted potatoes: puck-size oven fries with creamy insides and unimaginably crunchy exteriors. Season water generously with salt and bring to a simmer over.